The Comfort in the Brave: A Dark Rom-Com with LOL Moments

the comfot and the brave collage

The third book in JA Huss’s “Sacred Trinity” series, “The Comfort in the Brave” is a dark rom-com with a lot of laugh-out-loud funny moments. This sounds like an oxymoron and having read JA Huss for years it’s not surprising. Julie has never ceased to amaze me in every book she writes. And this one did not disappoint.

The Comfort in the Brave” takes Clover Bradley, a native of Disciple who was mentioned in “The Rumble and the Glory” (book 1) and we met in “The Echo on the Water” (book 2). Clover unexpectedly had to go home only to find that her empty childhood home was housing a squatter!

And to add injury to insult, Riggs, the unwanted guest promptly kidnapped her on her own home! Still, the hits keep on coming to Clover as she found herself attracted to Riggs. Stockholm Syndrome, anyone?

The premise of enemies-to-lovers is not new. But this is JA Huss who always add an unexpected element. And this time, it’s the banter between Clover and Riggs. Half of the book, it was just the two main characters. Hence, the on-going dialogue reminded me of a stage play so much so that I started imagining a stage set. The audio book was done duet style, thus adding to the stage play vibe. If JA Huss decides to be a playwright, she can easily just make some fine tuning in “The Comfort in the Brave” and voila, she has a stage play!

Voice actors Samantha Summers and Robin Blake are new to me. Respectively, their interpretation of Clover and Riggs made the two characters come alive. Again, as I already mentioned, the banter between them feels so authentic. Summers and Blake’s voiceover were just perfect.

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The third book in JA Huss’s “Sacred Trinity” series, “The Comfort in the Brave” is a dark rom-com with a lot of laugh-out-loud funny moments. This sounds like an oxymoron and having read JA Huss for years it’s not surprising. Julie has never ceased to amaze me in every book she writes. And this one did not disappoint.