Alec & Hilaria Baldwin Join NYC’s Most Stylish Parents at the Childrensalon Holiday Spectacular

Childrensalon 2018President Donald Trump and Alec Baldwin might be on opposite sides when it comes to politics, but they have one thing in common, they are family men at their cores. Case in point Alec Baldwin and his wife Hilaria joined New York City’s most stylish parents at the Oak Room of the Plaza Hotel for the inaugural Childrensalon Holiday Spectacular.

On December 11th, the UK-based luxury retailer, Childrensalon, enlisted the help of New York City’s most notable parents and their children to kick off the holiday season with an Instagram-able experience complete with interactive DIY Christmas stocking stations, an extravagant gingerbread house building activation, and a special appearance from Santa Clause.

Key attendees included but were not limited to Alec Baldwin, Hilaria Baldwin, Alshon Jeffrey, Alex Lundqvist, Gillian Hearst, Allie Rizzo, Lili Buffet, Sophie Elgort, Claiborne Swanson Frank, Elizabeth Kurpis, Amory McAndrew, Keytt Lundqvist, Amber Ettinger, Naeem Delbridge, Scott Buccheit, Mariah Strongin, and Lydia Fenet.