With the crime-solving tenacity of “CSI” and the bold profiling moves of “Criminal Minds”, “The 7th Woman
” takes back from television what was once the purview of books – cerebral crime-solving thriller that hooks you from the first moment on.
Set in Paris, “The 7th Woman ” introduces us to La Crim, France’s top criminal investigation division and Nico Sirsky, who at 38 is the youngest Chief of Police in recent history. Except for a doctor’s appointment, it was supposed to be an ordinary crime solving week for Chief Sirsky. But that changed drastically when late afternoon, a brutal murder was reported. What followed was a journey to a rabbit hole of a criminal’s mind where Nico Sirsky was placed on a starring role by the killer.
Forensic science taking center at “The 7th Woman ” is a given. Yet as Nico Sirsky and his team pursue the killer, the reader also sees Paris not through the eyes of a tourist but through the eyes of native. And though the crime scenes might be gruesome, the city of Paris remains beautiful and untouched by the brutality of the scenes.
I have definitely found a new favorite author! And though I have read the English translation and loved it, I will definitely pick up the original French version.