Book Review: A Lover’s Moon by Cassandra Ormand


From Vision Quest to Love Quest

Clint Catches was on a vision quest when he met Maia Ellard at the South Dakota badlands, home of the Oglala Lakota nation. A raging bull threw them together to travel the badlands together. And during the three days that they spent together traipsing the badlands, Clint and Maia developed a budding romance and learned to respect each other without even knowing each other’s names and background.

“A Lover’s Moon” is not just a love story. It is also a contemporary look at life at the reservation and the Lakota tribe. Definitely not a political statement of any sort, the book nevertheless makes the readers aware of the plight of Native Americans albeit it was incorporated in a fictional story.

A full-blooded Lakota, Clint Catches dreams of making the Lakota tribe stronger despite its dwindling numbers. Maia Ellard is half Lakotan from her father’s side. Although she was brought up properly in the Lakotan way, having lived in the city for so long, Maia has to reconcile her mixed heritage within herself. “A Lover’s Moon” is a journey of two hesitant lovers wherein before they can consummate their love, they have to face and get over their hang ups.

A beautifully told story. You will love Clint and Maia. You will also fall in love with the Lakota people.

Rated PG 17 due to adult situations

a lovers moon