Book 1 of The Ellderet Series, The Deadbringer
brings you to a whirlwind of world building and a new magic system that there are times when you can’t turn the pages fast enough.
It started slow for me. I thought it was just another sci-fi/fantasy novel geared towards Young Adult. But, as each chapter progress and I got to know Kira better plus all the supporting cast, it became evident that author E.M. Markoff is building a very complex world with a complex magic system!
A magic based on blood and a new take on the walking dead which are not zombies, different races that sometimes coexist peacefully but more often than not are at war with each other. A little bit of mystery which is slowly revealed the way you will peel off an onion! The world of The Deadbringer is both simple and complex, depending on what angle you are looking at!
I won’t write a synopsis. The Description below already does it beautifully. If I add anything more, it will be a spoiler. Let me just say that Kira Vidal is not your typical 15-year-old boy. And “The Deadbringer ” is not a Young Adult novel though it also caters to that market.
What “The Deadbringer ” is a suspenseful fantasy novel and a great start to a series. It got me hooked! And I cannot wait for Book 2 to arrive.
“The Deadbringer (The Ellderet Series) ” is Rated T for Teens due to sci-fi/fantasy violence. There are no sex scenes in this book.
In the aftermath of the Purging, the Deadbringers are no more. The Ascendancy has positioned itself as the land’s dominant power by exploiting the people’s fear of the Deadbringers’ innate abilities to summon souls and reanimate the dead. Yet its hold is not complete, for in the North the Bastion stands in the way of the Ascendancy and its iron-willed elite soldiers, the Sanctifiers.
But, somehow, a single Deadbringer has managed to survive. Kira Vidal, a boy of fifteen, has remained hidden, living peacefully with his uncle in the northern city of Opulancae under the Bastion’s protection. But it seems their luck is at an end when rumors begin to spread, and a strange man shows up at their door, seeking the forbidden services of a Deadbringer.
Aware of the dangers should word of his nature reach the Ascendancy, Kira makes a promise to himself to protect his beloved uncle at all costs, even if it means pursuing the limits of his powers … and learning painful truths.