As a long time reader, once in a while, I will find a story and an author that truly catches my attention. That is what “Glimmer
” by Tricia Cerrone has become for me. It’s sci-fi/fantasy, a genre that I have loved since I started reading fiction. But, it is also YA, a genre that I have a love-hate relationship with.
The book follows Jocelyn Albright, an orphan in her teen years who lives with her uncle in a military base. It sounds so normal on paper. With Jocelyn having been raised there, she did not know that her life is so far from normal.
That is, until she met Seth, who was also in his teens and introduced Jocelyn to James Bond and Andrew Dufresne, two iconic yet fictional characters. From there, Jocelyn began to realize that people who live outside the military base lead a very different life from her.
Set in in today’s world, “Glimmer,” though it had a very sinister tone also has a lot of laugh out loud funny moments. Cerrone used James Bond and Disney movie characters as comic relief. It was Jocelyn’s reactions to them that made her very real and very relatable. She became three-dimensional.
In fact, almost all the characters in Glimmer, no matter how small their role might be are well-developed, proving that Cerrone is very adept in her craft.
Case in point, the ending has a conclusion, not a cliffhanger. So, you feel that you went through the journey with Jocelyn. But, there is also a promise of new adventures and of better things to come in the ending. Knowing early on that this a series, I truly cannot wait for the next installment to see what happens to Jocelyn next.
Glimmer (The Black Swan Files) (Volume 1) is Rated T for Teens for some violence. There are no sex scenes in this book.
The Black Swan Files begin… At certain moments in history, when several impossible-to-predict events collide, they create what’s known as a Black Swan–an event that can change how we look at science, technology, even our history. Jocelyn Albrecht is one such Black Swan. Infected by the biotechnology her parents sought to develop, she has become human enhanced–an H+.
The accident that gave Jocelyn new powers also killed her family. In their place she is raised at Camp Holliwell by her “uncle”–a government funded scientist–and his league of doctors who study and test Jocelyn daily in the hopes of learning how to replicate her. The military has another goal in mind–to make her an asset.
After losing one family and the home where she belonged, Jocelyn strives to keep her Holliwell family happy, as odd as they might be. That is until she finds out the truth…Uncle Laurence is using her as a guinea pig, her brother and sister are still alive, and she doesn’t have long to live. Now Jocelyn only cares about finding her real family. The problem–breaking out of a highly classified, military facility before the next experiment kills her.