“Da Vinci Code” meets “National Treasure” in “The Lafayette Sword
.” With a very French touch in the storytelling, Eric Giacometti & Jacques Ravenne reminded me why I have always loved French literature.
Hard to put down once started, Giacometti and Ravenne bring readers back to medieval France and then switches viewpoint to the modern cities of the world. It is hard to write a synopsis without revealing the plot. Let me just say that Antoine Marcas is not your everyday hero but he is an unforgettable character. You go through the journey with him. You feel what he feels, you see what he sees.
A must-read book for mystery/thriller fans. It should be in your bookshelf!
“The Lafayette Sword (Antoine Marcas Freemason Thrillers)” is Rated T for Teens due to violence.
Gold. Obsession. Secrets. Following the murder of a Freemason brother, Antoine Marcas uncovers unsettling truths about gold and its power to fascinate and corrupt. A priceless sword is stolen and deaths ensue setting the Freemason detective on a case of Masons turned bad. A clue points to mysteries and conspiracy about elusive pure gold, launching a frantic, deadly race between two symbolic places—the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower. A captivating plot weaves alchemy and the Middle Ages into a modern-day thriller. Part of an internationally best-selling series that has sold 2 million copies worldwide, with “vivid characters, an evocative international setting, and a history darker than midnight.” For readers who love ancient myths, secret societies, chilling narrative and modern speed.