A space opera disguised as erotica, “Pleasure Dome
” is surprisingly an easy read with the sex scenes skillfully woven into the storyline that there was a point in time when I asked myself why the book has been classified as erotica.
Oh, don’t get me wrong. The steamy scenes can get you hot and bothered. But, because they are part and parcel of the storyline, it actually made sense that they are there. Still, the true strength of the book is the world building.
Set in a distant future when humans are already space faring and have settled in other planets, “Pleasure Dome ” also introduces the Chakkra, a warrior race that is on a class of its own when it comes to fighting. That Gabriel Merriweather, the male protagonist, is half Chakkra put a fascinating aspect in his character development.
Written with lots of flashback and thus giving texture to the characters, the protagonists and supporting cast in the story are actually very well rounded. That is why it actually surprised me that the plot is holey. Granted, it is a tiny hole, but it could have been tightened, which in turn could have made the story stronger.
I am unsure if L. F. Hampton plans to write a sequel. I hope she does because the Chakkra are just way too interesting just to be part of a subplot. Their story is just waiting to be told.
An interesting read and did I mention, there are lots of steamy scenes? “Pleasure Dome ” is Rated M for Mature due to sexual content.
Forced into retirement, Captain Soledad Scott, a former warship captain, has decided on a new career as a mother. She’s come to the Pleasure Dome where a computer-matched male will donate his sperm the old-fashioned way and make her dream of motherhood come true. But Sol’s worm-hole dyslexia sends her to Room 990 instead of Room 660.
Commander Gabriel Merriweather, half-breed Chakkra and master empath with the Diplomatic Corps, awaits his sterile playmate of the evening. When she arrives and orders him to pleasure her as if he were the paid sex toy, Gabe willingly complies. But the next day he learns that the woman isn’t a Dome employee, but a maternity client who has stolen his sperm and disappeared.
Sol can’t believe that the man she just spent the night with is the very man who destroyed her warship career. What will he do if he discovers that she’s carrying his child? Unwilling to find out, Sol decides to disappear.
But is the universe big enough to hide her from him?