Calling “Target Engaged
” by M. L. Buchman a romantic action is only 50% correct. Is it a love story? Yes, checked. Is it action? Yes, checked. But, it is also about being an individual and being part of a team, of trusting your life on the hands of your friend and lover. It is also trusting your teammates that they guard your back.
Because that is what our hero and heroine – Kyle Reeves and Carla Anderson have to do. Their romantic liaison is only part of the equation. The other parts, you will find in the brotherhood of war. If Tom Clancy ever wrote a romance novel, “Target Engaged” will be it!
“Target Engaged” is Rated M for Mature due to violence and sex.
Delta Force: The most dangerous elite counter-terrorism force on the planet
• The deadliest shooters •
• The most out-of-the-box thinkers in any military •
• Will die to get the mission done •
Sergeant Kyle Reeves: The premier soldier of the new recruits
Sergeant Carla Anderson: The first woman of Delta Force
If the training doesn’t kill them, their passion may—but Kyle Reeves and Carla Anderson blast right in. Show no fear. Have no fear. Then they get the call. The most powerful drug-smuggling ring in Venezuela needs a takedown, and Delta’s newest team leaps into the deep jungle to deliver. Giving their all? Not a problem. Giving their hearts? That takes a new level of courage.