Book Review: The Sweetest Fling by Amber Scott


Sweet, Funny and lots of OMG moments

A love triangle of sorts – twin brothers Jace and Tyler fell in love with the same woman, but Tyler has first dibs because he saw Claire first and already dating her. But Millie, a Cupid, concocted a love potion meant for Claire and Tyler. By sheer accident, Jace and Claire drank it. The budding attraction they have for each other became a full pledged love at first sight.

But, Jace cannot hurt his twin brother and Claire could not bring herself to become a wedge between the twins. So both did the honorable thing and separated. Fast forward 6 years. Claire was engaged to be married in 30 days. Jace had plans to move in with his girlfriend. But Destiny has other plans. Jace and Claire meet in a bridal shop. What follows is a sweet, funny and sometimes frustrating moments for both Claire and Jace. They want each other but don’t know how to tell the other. And of course, both have a significant other – a girlfriend for Jace and a fiancĂ© for Claire. Plus their families. Both sets will be disappointed. And most importantly, there is Tyler who is still very much in love with Claire.

“The Sweeting Fling” tells the story of how Jace and Claire, two ill-starred lovers who against all odds overcame all the obstacles thrown their way so that they can be together inspite of Millie’s ineptness as a Cupid.

Rated M for Mature due to some sexual content