Book Review: Winter Affair by Doreen Owens Malek


Love Comes from the Most Unexpected Places
5 Stars

Leda Bradshaw and Kyle Reardon have one thing in common – they both love Leda’s late father, Carter Bradshaw. But, other than that, they might be living in two different planets. Leda is the town’s well-loved daugther while Kyle Reardon… let us just say that he is not on anyone’s Christmas list. Still, love can come from the most unexpected place! Leda and Kyle could not fight the attraction they have for each other.

A beautiful story that are filled with real issues that the two lovers did not create nor have any control of, “Winter Affair,” makes you see and appreciate true love. I fell in love with Leda and Kyle within the first few pages. They reminded me of Cascada’s “Bad Boy”. And, I better end here because I don’t want to spoil the story for you.

It’s a great read! You can bring it to the beach or the poolside, even the plane for it is guaranteed to make the flight seem faster.

winter affair