An Interview with Brodie Steele, titular character of “Steele: Into Your Heart
If you’re from the Charleston area, then you have heard of Chrome & Steele. If you’ve heard of Chrome & Steele, then chances are you have met Brodie Steele.
And, if you are into motorcycles, then you would have run into the blond haired, blue eyed biker who in some circles is considered a genius when it comes to customizing a bike or restoring one.
Catching up with Brodie is like trying to grab hold of a whirlwind. The “hands-on” Steele sibling, he is either working in the garage or consulting with other motorcycle enthusiasts. In his free time, he drives around the Low Country on his custom detailed Harley Cross Bones.
The middle child, Brodie considers himself a low profile guy, though he is always the one who keeps his older brother Boomer and baby sister Cat on the straight and narrow.
So, he was actually surprised when he was chosen to be the face of the Spring Biker Week in Myrtle Beach as part of the MUSC Hospital charity event for children with cancer.
Interviewer: Other than being surprised, what do you think of being the face of Spring Biker Week?
Brodie Steele: Hell, surprised doesn’t cover the half of it. I’m gonna get razzed from one end of the strip to the other by my club. But I suppose it’s all for a good cause, ya know? Even if I gotta get dressed up in some designer gear. It’s for the kids.
Interviewer: Has Chrome & Steele always supported the children’s charities for Myrtle Beach Bike Week?
Brodie Steele: Well, it’s not completely Chrome & Steele. The support comes from the motorcycle club, too—Retribution MC. As a club we like to stay involved in the community. Prove to the police we’re not just a bunch of brain-dead thugs. You’ll find most bikers have the biggest hearts around; we just don’t like word getting out about that.
Interviewer: Chrome & Steele is one of the most successful motorcycle shops in the South that is not a franchise. What’s the secret of your success?
Brodie Steele: Well, I’d haveta say we work our asses off to keep it running smoothly. It’s a way of showing respect for our mom and dad. There’s no way we’ll let the family business tank.
Interviewer: As I understand, your parents started the business. Today, you and your siblings are running it with each of you responsible for a different part. How did you decide who takes on what role?
Brodie Steele: That’s just a matter of where our strengths lay. Now, Cat? She’s very much the professional so she gets sent out to handle the in-person accounts. If that were my job I’d probably end up drinking a few beers with the mechanics, getting no parts orders whatsoever. Boomer’s got a brain like an elephant—I think that’s a compliment, right? He’s good with numbers, and I hate that shit. I handle the custom build orders because working with my hands, that’s what I do. I’d never survive a day behind the desk, and if you could see my desk right now you’d know that’s the damn truth.
Interviewer: Your brother and you are the President and VP of the Retribution MC? As names go, why Retribution?
Brodie Steele: You got it right, yep. I’m the Veep, he’s the Prez. Now, Boomer? He’s got a deep philosophical side . . . if you can get past the whole gruff, tough exterior. The name was his choice. He’s the founder. Not sure exactly why he decided on Retribution but I think it’s a good’un, considering what we’ve gone through with our folks. I guess, maybe it’s about second chances. Giving and receiving them. It resonates with a lot our members.
Interviewer: I notice that you also have two full sleeves of ink. Is that part of being in an MC or a personal choice?
Brodie Steele: That was a personal choice and I did it after Cat, my sis, got hers. You know the reason she got inked. Boomer and I wanted to show solidarity when she was picking herself up and dusting herself off. She had to change her entire life. We couldn’t let her go through that alone.
Interviewer: Can you explain to our readers the design (artwork) and its meaning.
Brodie Steele: Sure. The skulls here on the back of my hand are for Retribution of course. They go with the MC insignia. The rest are colorful dragons and serpents. Got the idea because they’re lean and mean, like me. Just f*****’ with ya. Sort of. I had to get the designs all the way down my wrists and onto my hands. Wouldn’t be hardcore if I didn’t.
Brodie Steele: My brand preference is: if it’s clean and not seersucker, I’m wearin’ it. Hey, you don’t wanna measure my inseam, do you? Because the last time that happened, Frankie the Tailor got a little too handsy with me. My sizes? Big and large. Well, part of me anyway if you catch my drift.
Interviewer: Any last words for our readers, Mr. Steele?
Brodie Steele: Sure. Thanks for having me. Been a pleasure. And keep it shiny side up.
- Belstaff Spring 2015
- Belstaff Spring 2015
- Belstaff Spring 2015
- Belstaff Spring 2015
Stylist’s Note:
Delicious looking enough to model the clothes himself, it was a joy dressing up Brodie Steele for his photo shoot. For his formal looks, Brodie Steele wore suits from the KRISVANASSCHE Spring 2015 and Fall 2015 collection. For the biker looks, Brodie wore looks from the Belstaff Spring 2015 collection.
originally published on March 30, 2015