Hats are making a comeback

With Easter almost here, and it is traditionally the time that women wear hats to church, the question that most women are asking is if it is worth it to invest in hats.

“Absolutely,” says milliner Natalya Bythewood who has been handcrafting hats for over a decade. “Many believe that hats are only worn at Church or weddings, sometimes on funerals. But the truth is, you can wear hats anywhere and look fashionable.

Giving advice on where and when women can wear hats, Natalya listed:

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  • Business lunch – It is appropriate to wear something small and modest – boater, beret or bubble hat. Please, no fedoras as they become kind of a baseball caps- too much of a mass market.
  • Diplomatic dinners – boaters and wide brim hats will do, classic and not flashy. They should match the image of your suit or dress.
  • Easter Parade, fashion days– Fantasy is there! Any creative hat is welcome! Think of Bes Ben hats and Elsa Schiaparelli shoe hat, have some fun. Everyone will love it.
  • Airports and hotels– you will be surprised to these clerks from all over the world will start to show a signs of an extra respect to you and to help you with any of your requests, even if it is out of your bill! Actually anywhere, where you want a great extra service, including shopping in luxury area- wear a hat.
  • Museums, galleries and art shows-the fantasy is welcome. Art dealers do appreciate creativity and might give you an extra discount just because you are so different from the others in a good way.
  • Kentucky Derby – here is a competition of whose hat is the best and the most outstanding. No limits! The craziest hat you have- the more you are appreciated. Fun hats (with carrots, cakes, birds) are big hits.
  • Your office– I have a client that runs a company of 700 employees on Wall Street. Since she started to wear my hats (modest, business hats) in the office, she saw such a change in the attitude, that she does not stop ordering them one by one from me.

For more information: www.natalyabythewood.com