H&M Summer Camp Raises Awareness for Clean Water Advocates, RIVERKEEPER

H&M Summer EventOn Jun 19, 2014, right before the summer equinox, H&M, Hennes & Mauritz, and Taylor Tomasi Hill celebrated summer and the brand’s current seasonal collections with H&M Summer Camp.

Over 300 guests came out to Café de la Esquina’s Brooklyn location to view H&M and Taylor’s chic summer picks and support Taylor’s latest foray into the floral industry, @TTHBlooms.

The exclusive event featured camp themed activations, tunes by DJ Mia Moretti, and a live performance around the campfire by Zoë Kravitz and her band LOLAWOLF.

The exclusive event, which was H&M’s first ever Brooklyn party, commenced with an intimate Press Preview in the “General Store” where press mingled and viewed the summer collections.

“Who wouldn’t want to take a brief trip back to summer camp as an adult? I’m thrilled to be working with H&M not only because I respect and wear the brand, but because it’s fashionable, accessible, and affordable! They know how to execute an event their guests remember and reference,” said co-host and style expert Taylor Tomasi Hill.

Following the preview, the event continued and guests enthusiastically poured in to participate in various camp themed activities such as an H&M Summer Camp photobooth, postcard writing station, and ping pong.

@TTHBlooms provided bright and elegant flower crowns and bracelets, adding pops of color to the outdoor retreat. Bites included an array of Mexican inspired tasty summer treats, refreshing signature cocktails, and Café de la Esquina’s most sought after favorite, corn on the cob.

Attendees danced to beats provided by DJ Mia Moretti, and ending the night, everyone gathered around the campfire for a live performance by Zoë Kravitz and her band LOLAWOLF.

“I think H&M does a really great job making clothes that are affordable but still fashionable and well made,” said Zoë Kravitz.

Aligning with H&M’s commitment to sustainability, the brand partnered with Riverkeeper, a member-s upported organization that works to protect the Hudson River and its tributaries.

Riverkeeper has been known as New York’s “clean water advocate” for 50 years, working towards cleaner drinking water for nearly 9 million people. Guests who attended the event were excited to be a part of a cause that directly affects them and their loved ones.

“The Hudson River is a playground for millions of New Yorkers, and we’re committed to making it cleaner, healthier and more accessible to everyone,” said Junior Council member John Koblinsky. “We can’t do this work without support from grass-roots advocates and corporate partners like H&M.”

Photos courtesy of H&M