Meet GrayHammer Steelgrip, Stone Seeker

Having created GrayHammer Steelgrip as a character for the online version of Lord of the Rings, David Higginson’s debut novel Stone Seeker finds his one-of-a-kind mercenary dwarf transformed into a literary hero. Grayhammer along with his comrade-in-arms, Baylor Ironaxe, are tasked by the mayor of Oakwood City to retrieve the stolen mystical Rock of Glimmer-Forge. But in the land of Shadowfall rescue missions never seem to go quite to plan; and very few are who they first seem to be.

stone seeker

Stone Seeker finds David Higginson’s character Grayhammer in his third iteration. Taking him from online games character to comic strip hero and now an artful and courageous protagonist in a debut fantasy comedy novel, this brave and fiery dwarf will have instant appeal to fans of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series and the works of Adams, Gaiman et al.

Delivering a playful narrative style which is rich in both imaginative descriptions and whimsical literary analogies, Stone Seeker offers a feast for the imagination, and eclectic storyline that will be devoured by readers aged from 16+.

Centering on the dynamic partnership and relentless energy that fizzes between GreyHammer and Baylor Ironaxe, Stone Seeker is an unputdownable read. And with the author already midway through a second volume, this unstoppable duo is destined for an adventurous and crowd pleasing future, as is their creator.


Take a blank world, add on a hand full fantasy, and a spoon full the medieval era. Now pour in a cup of comedic sarcasm, and a heap of chaos for taste. Then squash it all together like bread dough. Mix in a genius selection of fantastical races, and beastly creatures so strange that they make bigfoot look like a commoner who just lived next door. Stir it with a big spoon. Place it all in the cosmic oven of the universe on gas mark six. What you would end up with is a dish called Shadowfall. A dish so tasty that it would win first prize in a cosmic cook-off of the gods.

Amidst this chaotic realm stands Grayhammer, a dwarf whose beard, as succinct as his temper, belies the raging inferno of bravery and determination that smoulders within him, akin to an angered dragon amidst a tumultuous storm. Renowned for his cunning wit and deft ability to outmanoeuvre even the most cunning of trolls, Hammer could grumble his way through towering peaks and still muster the fiery resolve to mete out a lesson they would not soon forget – a favoured pastime that never fails to kindle his spirit.

Beside Grayhammer strides Baylor, a stalwart companion in Hammer’s daring escapades, whose knack for mischief rivals the keen edge of Elven blades. At the slightest whisper of encroaching peril, Baylor’s ominous pronouncement, “I have a really bad feeling about this,” reverberates louder than a troll’s snores in a hushed tavern.

Their ongoing quest revolves around the recovery of the stolen mystical Rock of Glimmer-Forge, a gem shrouded in enigmatic lore thicker than the plot of a saga. Ancient tales proclaim that this precious rock not only promises boundless wealth but also designates its bearer as the paramount Dwarf, contingent upon the ruby’s radiant blue glow when raised aloft. The gobbling Slurptooth The Greedy rises as an unlikely ally, and steps in to help the dwarven duo return the stone to where it belongs.

Published by Olympia Publishers, Stone Seeker is available to purchase in paperback and Kindle format on Amazon: