Paule Ka Fall 2013: Uptown, Downtown

paule ka FW13 06For this fall/winter 2013-14 collection, Serge Cajfinger imagined a wardrobe like a sheet of music, upon which each note echoes the other, where each piece accompanies the other, merging together and yet remaining distinct, to allow the woman to explore all the territories of a fashion, one that is above all her own… from head to toe!

A winter collection that proposes to liberate everything one desires. Encountering new lands, remaining faithful through change, living multiple lives at the same time, being another while remaining oneself.

One single obligation, to dare!Dare the long and the short, the cinched and the voluminous, the matte and the silky, the feminine and the masculine, the mesh and the vinyl, the tweed and the metal, the zipper and the buckle…