Self-Help Reading: The Art of Having It All by Christy Whitman

the art of  having it allMany of us feel like the universe often holds a far bigger vision for us than we are capable of seeing for ourselves at any particular moment in time. As we get older, and experience life, we see that getting ahead requires that we embrace change and understand that we need to move toward it in a fluid way, not against it … it’s very much like dancing.

It’s not all about winning, or having lots of money, and or a fantastic career and wonderful family. Having it all is more about the feeling we carry with us in the privacy of our own hearts and minds.

In the new book The Art of Having It All: A Woman’s Guide To Unlimited Abundance, Christy Whitman offers up a modern strategy for women who want to “have it all”. She lays out a path forward that shows people how to feel thankful, hopeful, and healthy all at the same time, all the time.

The ideas she shares can not only be used to chart a course to greater abundance and success, but to a deeper connection with yourself and an increased ability to enjoy all that you are and all that you have created and have yet to create.

Here are some of the steps she recommends women take.

Define Your “It” and Your “All”

The first step is to become profoundly connected to yourself. No two women have the same life experiences, the same perspectives, the same goals, preferences, beliefs or ideals… and for this reason, no two women define having it all in exactly the same ways. Each and every one of us is a unique expression of the Divine, and – despite what we may have been socialized to believe – we don’t all want the same things.

Create From the Inside Out

Identify a specific area in your life – your finances, your career, relationships with others, for example –where you feel discontent, frustrated or unfulfilled; an aspect of your life where you do not yet feel you have it all. Identify the dominant emotion or vibration that you are emitting in response to it.

Be Open to Receiving

Call to mind any area of your life where you are in a state of resistance – some place where you have a chronic complaint or where your viewpoint is one of “It shouldn’t be like this.” Try to see if you can allow yourself to accept it exactly as it is. Accepting a situation does not mean that you approve of it, or that you don’t want it to change. It simply means accepting what is at this moment. Give yourself permission to think and feel about it the way that you do, without trying to minimize your feelings or pretend to feel any differently.
Clarity + Alignment + Action = Manifestation

Clarity about the exact nature of what you want builds intensity and distinguishes the unique vibration of your desire. Maintaining a feeling allowing and non-resistance draws it towards us. The combination of feeling good, excited and content with what is, while at the same time being clear about what more we want, that opens the door for more to come into our lives. Intending and allowing are equally important in the manifestation equation, but every situation calls for a different degree of each. The bigger our goal and the clearer our intention, the more we need to allow.

You Can Have it All

Kristy says “By allowing yourself to swell up with that gratitude, you open up doorways along your path. Synchronicity comes into play and people show up in your life, that bring you to places that are truly unimaginable to you in the present moment.”

Life really happens. Dreams really can come true.