What is something you can’t live without during the holiday season?

To celebrate the holiday season, Sourcebooks Casablanca asked the authors of its 2019 Christmas titles to answer some fun, wintry and Christmas themed questions!

holiday season

What is something you can’t live without during the holiday season?

Amy Sandas: Cozy socks. I’m not much for slippers, but my feet are always cold, so I love to warm them up with thick, super-soft socks.

Anna Schmidt: Traditions from my childhood—my family was very into giving to others especially those who might not be blessed with family at that time of year, so I love finding ways to shop and wrap and give to others.

Jennie Marts: We have a tradition of our family going to the Candlelight Service at church on Christmas Eve then coming back to my house for homemade lasagna and my Christmas Butter Bundt cake. I wouldn’t want to miss any of this special night.

Lucy Gilmore: My heated ice scraper for the car. Seriously. It snows a ton where I live, and we don’t have a garage, so having a quick, easy, and warm way to get the ice off the windows is like holiday magic.

Margaret Brownley: I couldn’t live without knowing the true meaning of Christmas and what we are celebrating. This keeps me from becoming overwhelmed by the commercial part and focused on the things that truly count.

Samantha Chase: My decorations. We have a TON of Disney decorations we’ve collected over the years and I always look forward to taking them out and putting them all over the house.

Rosanne Bittner: Something I can’t live without in the Christmas season is, of course, having my 3 grandsons over on Christmas Eve. They love my apple pie!

Terry Spear: Decorating for the holidays–a Christmas tree. I feel I’m in my own Christmas story, my home is now a holiday scene. It’s warm and the Christmas lights make it cheery and special mementos handed down from our family or that I’ve picked up in special places or from friends and family are brought out and cherished all over again.