The bible verse “Love is always patient and kind” (1 Corinthians 13:4) was the first thing that came to mind when I finished reading “Cake: A Love Story
Don’t get me wrong, the book is a romance first and foremost. And there was no mention of religion at all. My quoting St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians was entirely my own. It’s because that is the only way I could describe the encompassing love that Jake McKallister and Casey Caldwell have for each other. Oh, there was romantic love of course. But, there was also “Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but finds its joy in the truth. It is always ready to make allowances, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.” (1 Corinthians 13: 6-7),
I will not write a synopsis. The Description below takes care of that. If I say anything more, it will be a spoiler. That said, “Cake: A Love Story” is a tearjerker, Jake and Casey will tug at your heartstrings. Even the supporting characters will also do that to you. Music also plays a major role. Of course, we never hear Jake’s songs. Yet, it is easy to conclude that music was Jake’s guiding light for a long time.
The book is easy to read, but be ready to stop once in a while to wipe your tears. You will want to hug Jake and Casey a lot of times. When you finish crying, you will find that the tears are cathartic and truly hope that Jake and Casey find their happily ever after.
“Cake: A Love Story” is Rated M for Mature due to language, violence and some sexual scenes.
Cake: A Love Story
Jake McKallister might have been a rock star, but he was no ordinary one. Surviving an unspeakable crime as a young teen had shaped him into a guarded workaholic, and he now lived his life trying to forget. If it hadn’t been for music and the redemption he found through it, he might not have survived. Career success came easily for him. Personal connections did not.
When outspoken, vivacious college student Casey Caldwell was paired with the famously reserved rockstar for a friend’s wedding, she was prepared for the worst. What could they possibly have in common? She was a bubbly talker; he was a reclusive loner. His life was filled with music; she couldn’t carry a tune. She’d enjoyed a happy childhood; his was a well-publicized nightmare.
Yet despite their obvious differences, Jake and Casey found each other, and her light balanced out his darkness. Would their love be strong enough to survive the weight of his tragic past?
Photos in collage: Live Concert by Stux and Guitarist by Facundowin, both on Pixabay; Kissing Couple by Josh Peterson on Unsplash