and Unleashed
are the second and third book, respectively, of the series “Colours of Love” by Kathryn Taylor. Uncovered picks up where Unbound (the first book) left off.
As readers of Unbound know, it ended in a cliffhanger. In “Uncovered ,” author Kathryn Taylor did not disappoint. The first chapter of Uncovered is as dramatic as the final chapter of Unbound.
In book 2, Grace and Jonathan stayed together. And as expected, the scenes are steamier, racier and darker. Just twenty-two years old and barely out of college, Grace has to deal with office politics and business situations that can make or break a company. And she has to deal with Jonathan can blow hot or cold at any moment.
But, most important, Jonathan brings Grace in the midst of the British aristocracy. Being an American, Grace was unsure on how to act most of the time. Add the fact they were at Lockwood Manor, the Huntington’s ancestral home and the seat of the Lockwood Earldom which Jonathan was heir to makes the situation very dicey for Grace.
Then an unthinkable situation occurred and Grace once again found herself in the center of things where she had no control of.
If “Uncovered” takes your breath away, the third book, “Unleashed” will make you hold your breath! Short and sweet, I cannot say more about “Unleashed” without revealing the plot. Just be assured that it is as exciting as book two. My only complaint about it – it was too short. I wanted it to be a longer one.
Both Uncovered and Unleashed
are Rated M for Mature due to sexual content.
She’s fallen for him – hook, line, and sinker. Grace knows exactly how dangerous her feelings for Jonathan Huntington are, but her love for him nevertheless grows stronger each day she spends near him. Is he really as indifferent as he seems? Does Jonathan only see her as a willing plaything? When Grace tries to force him into showing his true colors, it leads to disaster …
Description: Colours of Love – Unleashed (Book 3)
Sensual. Romantic. Kathryn Taylor.
Finally, it’s what all the COLOURS OF LOVE fans have been waiting for: the continuation of Jonathan and Grace’s captivating love story.
Unleashed is the third book in the COLOURS OF LOVE trilogy.