Book Review: Men of Intrgue: A Trilogy by Doreen Owens Malek


Bad Boys Galore
5 Stars

Three stories in one book – Montega’s Mistress, Danger Zone and Devil’s Deception, “Men of Intrique: A Trilogy” brings the readers to a world of bad boys that we just cannot help falling in love with.

A revolutionary, a mercenary and a government agent – they all lead dangerous lives and the women who love them are thrown into their world of danger and intrigue.

All three stories are great reads. You can read all of them at one time; or you can prolong the enjoyment by reading the stories at separate times. One thing will be constant as you read – the stories are captivating and the protagonists are unforgettable.

***Maybe a SPOILER, definitely OBSERVATIONS***
All three stories were written during the mid-to-late 1980s and all of them are as relevant today as it was during the era it was written.

One thing stands out – all three male protagonists are smokers!!! It was not put there for them be sexy; it was just part of the storyline and of course the era they were living in.

And because this is 2012, and you cannot smoke in a public place like a restaurant anymore, I always straightens up a bit when I see the male protagonists smoking. Somehow, though only 20 years had passed when smoking was acceptable, the current zeitgeist of smoking being evil makes the “bad boys” badder!!! (wrong grammar intentional)

men of intrigue